SS Innovations Unveils India’s First Mobile Tele-Surgical Unit, MantraM, at the Second Global SMRSC 2025

Udaipur (Dr. Tuktak Bhanawat) : SS Innovations, the maker of India’s first and only home-grown Surgical Robotic System – SSI Mantra, hosted the Second Global SSI Multi-Speciality Robotic Surgery Conference (SMRSC) 2025 at the Leela, Gurgaon. The two-day event saw enthusiastic participation from over 1200+ world-renowned medical professionals, who gathered on a single platform to explore the transformative potential of robotic surgery. In a groundbreaking announcement at the SMRSC 2025, SS Innovations unveiled the SSI Mantra Tele-Sync Mobile Unit – “SSI MantraM”, a first-of-its-kind innovation set to transform the landscape of robotic surgery and telemedicine in India. This revolutionary mobile tele-surgical unit reflects SS Innovations’ unwavering commitment to advancing medical technology, redefining healthcare infrastructure, and expanding access to cutting-edge surgical care. With this breakthrough, SS Innovations continues to push the boundaries of med-tech, revolutionizing surgical infrastructure and cementing India’s position as a global leader in robotic surgery and health-tech innovation.

Speaking on the launch of SSI MantraM, Dr. Sudhir Srivastava, Founder, Chairman, and CEO of SS Innovations said,“SSI MantraM is more than a mobile telesurgical unit, it’s a movement to democratize and decentralise world-class healthcare. With high-speed telecommunication and satellite connectivity, it breaks geographical barriers, delivering life-saving robotic-assisted surgery to underserved communities. Beyond tele-surgical procedures, SSI MantraM serves as a powerful platform for surgical education, tele-mentoring, and real-time patient data analytics. With continuous research and innovation, SSI is taking a major step toward ensuring that advanced robotic surgery reaches those who need it most.”

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