~ IHCL hotels have saved appx. 1,202,000,000 mega joules of energy

~ 27 IHCL hotels currently operate on renewable energy

Udaipur : On the occasion of National Energy Conservation Day, Indian Hotels Company (IHCL) reinforces its commitment towards energy conservation as well as spreading awareness about energy efficiency.

“Energy conservation is a very integral part of IHCL’s business as it impacts both the present and the future.The company’s annual renewable energy consumption has increased considerably, with many of our key hotels powered by wind and solar energy sources.In an industry first, IHCL has partnered with IFC (International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group) on sustainable cooling solutions for the Indian hospitality industry,”said Mr. Gaurav Pokhariyal, Senior Vice President and Global Head – Human Resources, IHCL.

IHCL hotels saved approximately 1,202,000,000 mega joules of energy, which is equivalent to powering 656,500 typical 4-person households between 2008 and 2021. Currently, 27 hotels are powered by renewable energy, an initiative that has been further strengthened by IHCL’s recent partnership with Tata Power to provide energy from Green Source to its key hotels in Mumbai – The Taj Mahal Palace, Taj Lands End and Taj Wellington Mews. These hotels are expected to get approximately 60 per cent energy from green source and reduce nearly 22.9 million kg of carbon dioxide emissions on an annual basis.

All IHCL hotels follow Sustainability Action Plans and implement Energy Efficiency Programs and initiatives. The hotels undergo independent audits to verify compliance with energy usage and the effectiveness of the initiatives implemented for energy efficiency across the hotel operations. 

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